New Digi Frame Wrinkle


Source: DealerScope:

As the digital frame market continues to evolve its been fascinating watching manufacturers reinvent the category at every turn. The latest interesting innovation comes from Media Street in the form of their website, specifically designed for digital frame owners. The bend here is that this site is also a boon for photographers as they can post their images to this site for anyone to download to their frame.

The site works with any brand digital frame and provides a nice twist for those on either end of the equation. For the frame owner, the site provides a chance to load the product with some stunning photography from locations all over the world and for those uploading their work, the site provides a great opportunity for exposure.

The site also allows those that participate the chance to share their biography, post a description of their specialties, list contact info and Media Street provides them with their own an RSS Feed

As an added incentive to join, each participating photographer that becomes an eMotion Buzz Photographer will receive a special discount of 10% off of anything they buy from