New Technology for Musicians to Shout-Out to their Fans

Beyond.Fm has been a different type of music destination since its inception.  Beyond.FM was built by Norm Levy, Chuck D,  DJ Johnny Juice, DMC, Michael Levy & Jim Robert.

Rather then become just another music site claiming to be the “end-all, be-all”, Beyond.FM honed in on being a very clever, timely tool for the Musician to use for promoting its “brand.”

Musicians can now, for the first time ever, give audio “Shout-Outs” to their fans directly to their Facebook pages and Twitter followers!  Within the artists’ profile on Beyond.FM, they get a very simple interface to record “Shout-Outs” on demand, at any time.  They can Shout-Out once an hour, once a day, once a week, or at any time they so desire.

They have 30 seconds for each “Shout-Out” to share with their Fans anything they would like to say;  including upcoming events and gigs, new album drops, where to buy their music, behind the scenes stories, gossip, etc.

New “Shout-Out” mechanism for Artists to audibly Shout-Out to their Fans on Facebook and beyond…. literally;-) http://Beyond.FM

Newt Gingrich Appoints Norm Levy To Jobs And Prosperity Task Force Advisory Board

For Immediate Release:                                                                                       March 1st, 2010
Washinigton DC

Former Speaker of the House and General Chairman of American Solutions Newt Gingrich, announced today the appointment of Mr. Norm Levy to the Advisory Board of his Jobs and Prosperity Task Force.

The Jobs and Prosperity Task Force is comprised of the most successful and accomplished business leaders and entrepreneurs in America.  The Task Force will focus on Jobs Here, Jobs Now, Job First.

“We have given Washington a chance.  It has failed miserably and has proven to be so inept at job creation that our unemployment rate,as President Obama himself said, “blew past” his own administration’s projection of 8%.  It’s time for the people who know how to create jobs and prosperity, know what it means to stick to a budget and make payroll —the business leaders of this country— to come together and clean up this mess,”  Mr. Gingrich said.

“And we’re thrilled to have Mr. levy on board as we begin the work to get this economy back on track.”

As an Advisory Board Member, Mr. levy will be invited to Washington for strategy sessions and events where he will discuss ways of turning American economic problems around with tried, true and battle tested solutions that have been used in successful businesses.

American Solutions for Winning the Future, founded by Speaker Gingrich is a unique tri-partisan organization designed to rise above traditional gridlocked partisanship, to provide real, significant solutions to the most important issues facing our country.
