Norm on Mashable Panel: Social Revolution: The Internet and Social Change

June 23rd, 2011: 2:00 pm-2:30pm:

Social Revolution: The Internet and Social Change
The Internet has become one of the most powerful agents of social change. It helped fuel the Egyptian revolution, the Wisconsin union protests, and the election of our current president. The possibilities are endless. This panel will discuss the power of social media for affecting real change in our lives, our governments, and our societies.

Moderator: Zachary Sniderman [@zsniderman], Mashable

Norm Levy, Founder, Shoutomatic
Ed Palumbo, Social Media Strategist, Opera Software
Jeff Ragovin, Chief Revenue Officer, Buddy Media
John Wiseman, VP of Marketing & Partnerships, Thrillist

Organic Liaison is a healthy weight loss program, complete with online diet plans and exercise tools, weight loss tips & More!

Norm’s Healthy Recommendation of the Month! Kirstie Alley’s Organic Liaison!

The Organic Liaison program is a fresh approach to losing weight. Kirstie Alley gathered the best scientific minds to create a real plan that you can follow. Our 3 easy steps give you the customized tools, resources and support to help you lose weight, feel great, and win your personal Body Game. Learn, have fun, and count on Organic Liaison for a natural, healthy, and real solution to easy weight loss and long-term control.

Chuck D Creates New ShoutOmatic Channel for Daily Impact

Chuck D Presents “This Day in Hip Hop & Rap History” to be the first of its kind Hip Hop Almanac giving a daily dose of incredible edutainment “sound”.   Learn a bit and bounce a bit with Narration by Chuck D and music samples by the Featured daily Artist.

Produced by: Chuck D, Duke Eatmon & Ron Maskel exclusively for ShoutOmatic

ShoutOmatic iPhone APP is Live in the iTunes APP Store

I am so thrilled to share with you that our ShoutOmatic iPhone App is live and available for FREE and immediate download at the iTunes APP Store:

Here is the link for the ShoutOmatic iPhone APP: <<< Click on this from your iPhone

The ShoutOmatic iPhone App allows you to “Share” Voice / Text / Photo & Location all with one “Shout” to your Twitter and Facebook streams!

You now have a variety of ways to “Shout”:

ShoutOmatic in few words:
ShoutOmatic allows you to record and broadast “Audible Voice Status Updates” (Shouts) so your Voice can be heard in your Twitter and Facebook streams.

ShoutOmatic in a few more words:
Using ShoutOmatic adds authenticity, emotion and tonality that is not possible with 140 characters of text alone.

Best wishes for a Safe & Social Summer!

Norm Levy
Founder & Lead Shouter